Photo of Pfc "Benny" Benevento, 14th Chemical Maintenance Company, US Army, and company mascot dog "Fertile Myrtle" and her six puppies taken near La Capelle, France, mid-September 1944. Help Needed

14th Chemical
Maintenance Company


U. S. Army Chemical Corps
World War II

Pfc Benevento and Mascot
September 1944, La Capelle, France
Source: T/5 David O. Meeker, Jr.  

This website is intended to preserve in living memory a knowledge of the soldiers of the 14th and what they endured and accomplished during World War II.  Doing justice to over 260 men is, of necessity, the work of many hands.  Everyone who contributes any of the following things will be credited by name on the 14th Contributors page of this website.

Contributions can be sent to this website's historian Brett Meeker at or 17 Harstrom Place, Norwalk, CT  06853.  Thank you for your generosity towards helping to keep the memories of these men alive.

  • Military service records for individual 14th soldiers.

  • Letters, diaries, speeches, memoirs, articles, etc., by 14th soldiers, about their service during the war.

  • Photos or drawings of 14th soldiers, in uniform or not, made before, during, or after the war, including family and reunion photos.  Please include, if known, who made it, a description of who is in it, and when and where it was made.  Please also include written permission to use it on this site. 

  • Photos or drawings made by 14th soldiers relating to their service in the 14th, including places they visited, ships they sailed on, and uniforms and military equipment they used.  Please include, if known, who made it, a description of who or what it is of, and when and where it was made.  Please also include written permission to use it on this site. 

  • Genealogy records and obituaries, especially details of: when and where a 14th soldier was born; the names of his parents; where he lived and what he did before and after the war; the name(s) of his spouse(s) and their marriage date(s); the names and birth dates of his children; and, his death and burial dates and locations (if applicable).

  • Official reports and U.S. Army Field Manuals about the 14th or that the 14th would have used.

  • World War II-period newspaper articles about 14th soldiers and/or the unit, both local U.S. and U.K. public and military newspapers, including the 'Stars & Stripes' European edition.

This page Copyright by Our Fathers' Footsteps All Rights Reserved.
Created September 3, 2001. Last updated March 8, 2009.

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