Photo of the ruins of St. Lo, France, as seen by 14th soldier when they passed through it September 5, 1944 Places

14th Chemical
Maintenance Company


U. S. Army Chemical Corps
World War II

Ruins of Saint Lo, France
Taken September 5, 1944
Source: T/5 David O. Meeker, Jr.  

Below are key words, links to large copies of the photographs, descriptions, dates, and locations of places the 14 CMC or its soldiers were stationed at or passed through during their WW-II service.  These are arranged alphabetically by the country they were taken in.  If you know of additional photos, please contact the website owners using the email link at the bottom of this page. Credit will be given by name on this website's Contributors page.  Thank you!

Sources:  WW-II photo album of T/5 David O. Meeker, Jr. unless otherwise noted.

Key Words Links, Descriptions, Dates and Locations

Belgium, Herve
Command Post
Sept/Oct. 1944

PHOTO of front of bullet-pockmarked chateau that the 14th setup its CP in, believed to have been taken between 22 September and 16 October 1944 near Herve, Belgium.  See also PHOTO of wife and children of chateau's caretaker.

Belgium, Herve
Command Post
Sept/Oct. 1944

PHOTO of back of bullet-pockmarked chateau that the 14th setup its CP in, believed to have been taken between 22 September and 16 October 1944 near Herve, Belgium.  See also PHOTO of wife and children of chateau's caretaker.

France, St. Lo
Destroyed Buildings
August 1944

PHOTO 1 of buildings destroyed in fighting between US and German forces.  Taken 05 August 1944 when the 14th passed through Saint Lo in Normandy, France.  

France, St. Lo
Destroyed Buildings
August 1944

PHOTO 2 of buildings destroyed in fighting between US and German forces.  Taken 05 August 1944 when the 14th passed through Saint Lo in Normandy, France.  

France, St. Lo
Destroyed Buildings
August 1944

PHOTO 3 of buildings destroyed in fighting between US and German forces.  Taken 05 August 1944 when the 14th passed through Saint Lo in Normandy, France.  

France, St. Lo
Destroyed Buildings
August 1944

PHOTO 4 of buildings destroyed in fighting between US and German forces.  Taken 05 August 1944 when the 14th passed through Saint Lo in Normandy, France.  

This page Copyright by Our Father's Footsteps All Rights Reserved.
Created July 11, 2004. Last updated July 20, 2004.

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